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9 Gründe, warum Nähen die perfekte Leidenschaft ist
Wir haben uns bei unseren SchneiderInnen umgehört, was sie am Nähen am meisten lieben.

Tailor your way out of the fast fashion dead end!
While there are many great reasons for taking up a new hobby, some also have a positive impact beyond the pure joy and feeling of accomplishment that comes with learning a new skill.

5 pro tips | immediately improve your sewing skills
With these simple tricks from the master tailor, you’ll see immediate results, no matter if you’re a beginner or already have a couple of selfmade dresses under your belt!

Content | Masterclass Tailor Academy

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Tailor Academy
dressmaking expertise since 1741
Learn the tailoring craft from Austrian master tailor Stefan Wimmer in this one of a kind online sewing class for all levels.
The hands-on sewing masterclass for all levels
Professional training. Full flexibility. Outstanding results.
At our real life tailor shop Wimmer schneidert in Salzburg, we believe that practice makes perfect. That’s why our course focuses on working on new wardrobe favorites right from the first unit.
You’ll get theory lessons and expert tips from your experienced course leader throughout the units – exactly when and where you need them.
Our learning-by-doing approach leads to rapid successes and professional results.
What You Will Sew
“At the Tailor Academy, we focus on practicality and place great emphasis on not only sharing our knowledge but also working on beautiful garments from the first hour that you will enjoy wearing.”
52 Units:

Each learning module results in a finished garment:
From dresses and skirts to jackets and evening wear, as well as professional men’s clothing and high-fashion.
Basic Course
Three enjoyable and instructive projects with step-by-step instructions.
- 3 Full Units ($149,70)
- Studio Setup ($19,90)
- Body Measurement ($49,90)
- Custom Fitting ($49,90)
- 7 day money-back guarantee
8 Units-
8 Units Total
all from Basic
+ incl. "Fabric Knowledge" ($49)
6 weeks money-back guarantee
26 Units-
26 Units Total
all from Basic
all from Advanced
+ incl. "Cut & Fitting I" ($99)
+ incl. "Cut & Fitting II" ($99)
6 weeks money-back guarantee
52 Units-
52 Units Total
all from Basic
all from Advanced
all from Professional
+ incl. "Cut & Fitting III" ($99)
6 weeks money-back guarantee
Unit by Unit
$49,90 $39,70 per unit
Enjoy the flexibility of paying per unit, for as long as you wish.
Same course. Same certificates.
Limited Time Special Price!
Secure your offer now
Every 14 days you get a new unit, starting with the first immediately after purchase. The course includes a total of 52 practice-oriented, expert-led video tutorials complete with step-by-step instructions. Premium sewing patterns in all sizes worth over $ 9,700 are included to download for free.
This masterclass is suitable for beginners as well as advanced users. From the very beginning, participants will create wearable pieces that increase in difficulty with every unit. In the videos, they follow detailed instructions from Stefan Wimmer as he creates every piece step by step.
The units come complete with background knowledge, material lists, and important tips and tricks for clean and effective working.
Tailor Academy | Wimmer schneidert
dressmaking expertise since 1741
As a ninth generation tailor, Stefan Wimmer is the current head of Wimmer schneidert, a venerable tailoring company known for its high quality custom clothing and excellence in vocational training. The Austrian “Apprentice of the Year” award and title of National Champion regularly go to students of Wimmer schneidert. With the Tailor Academy online course, Stefan Wimmer makes his knowledge available to the world.
Wimmer schneidert – as seen on:
Sew with class.
One course. All the knowledge since 1741.
At Tailor Academy, we want you to hit the ground sewing and work productively on new favorites from the first minute. You’ll receive expert know-how and professional tips throughout the tutorials – exactly when and where you need them.
The modules are designed to let you finish one new item in every unit. Use them as personal gifts, for yourself to wear with joy and pride, or for some extra income on the side.
In the first unit, you’ll learn how to make a chic and simple summer dress, sewing along to the expert instructions of master tailor Stefan Wimmer.
Reviews on Facebook
This is what our participants say
Die Videos sind von Herrn Wimmer verständlich erklärt und man kann ihm gut more
Nicht nur ich sondern auch mein Mann und meine Familie und Freunde sind von meinen Fortschritten begeistert und tragen meine Modelle sehr gerne.
Und das alles als „fast“ Nähanfängerin.
Masterklass sowie die SchneiderFamilie einfach TOP 🔝read more
Ich hatte das Abo abgeschlossen und 2x bezahlt! Dann habe ich aus Zeitmangel... gekündigt! Auf Nachfrage der Akademie teilte ich Ihnen mit, das ich sehr zufrieden war, aber leider keine Zeit habe um den Kurs durchführen zu können.
Ich habe die kompletten Gebühren wiederbekommen. Hammer!!!
Das nenne ich mal einen klasse Umgang mit Kunden! Erlebt man sehr selten! Vielen Dank und wirklich alles ganz toll! Sollte ich mehr Zeit haben, bin ich auf jeden Fall wieder mit dabei!!! 10 von 5 Punkten!!! Danke!!!read more
The course is for German... speakers or you have already some background, then you can follow the pictures in ,, foreign language” also. Despite I have already experiences, love to see the videos. Repeating makes the master! Definitely adorable! 👌🥰read more
Auf dem Foto sieht man Kurs 3 und more
Fundiertes Wissen und Tipps und Tricks vom... Profi, das bekommt man in der Schneiderakademie.
Üben muss natürlich jede(r) selbst. Doch meine Seelenkleider haben schon sehr von dem Kurs der Schneiderakademie profitiert.
Die Schneiderakademie kann ich allen weiterempfehlen, die ihrer Kreativität ein solides Fundament geben wollen. 🙂
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️read more
Wenn dir schriftliche Anleitungen manchmal rätselhaft bleiben, sind die Videos vielleicht das, was du... brauchst, um gut nähen zu more
Ich freue mich schon auf das nächste Video.
Von 5 Sterne vergebe ich 10. 🥰🥰🥰read more
Bisher passt alles super, die... Schnitte sind klasse.
Die Videos sind prima, und die Übersetzung aus dem österreichischen klappt auch.😉
Endeln ist mein Lieblingswort beim Nähen geworden.
So einen Kurs habe ich mir schon lange gewü more
Super fand ich die Erklärung in der Einheit 3 mit dem RV so habe ich ihn noch nie eingenäht. Und es hat auf anhieb geklappt 🙂read more
Our Apprentices' Successes
“”Practice makes perfect. And of course the many expert tips help.”
Vinzenz W.
1st place Apprentice Competition
We and the entire company congratulate our son Vinzenz Wimmer (10th generation) on 1st place in the national apprentice competition as well as on his excellent success in the final certificate.
Excellent success
Theresa Leitner has successfully passed the journeyman’s exams for women’s and men’s dressmakers and received an award for her achievements. The entire Wimmer schneidert team commends her for this great success!
“Thanks for the great training!”
Theresa L.
“With a practice-oriented training you have a clear advantage when the craft is evaluated”
Lisa R.
State Champion
Lisa Rasser was named national champion at the AustrianSkills competition 2018! AustrianSkills is a challenging multi-day event where participants have to prove their skills and dexterity. The entire Wimmer team is proud of our winner!
Apprentice Of The Year
Leonhard was named apprentice of the year, seen here at the award ceremony with Governor Wilfred Haslauer and WKS Vice President Peter Genser. He is now a women’s dressmaker, a men’s dressmaker and a “Säckler” (a maker of leather clothing).
“Thank you for introducing me to tailoring.”
Leonhard W.
“I really learned a lot. Thanks for the training!”
Gregor Q.
Two excellent successes
Two excellent successes in the final apprenticeship exams for Michaela and Gregor in 2020. The entire Wimmer team is doubly proud of their excellent performances!

Course Content

Curriculum FAQs
12 Pro Tips For Sewing Beginners
Did you know that there’s a right direction for fixing pins? And that you need to cut top layers and lining fabrics in different ways?
In this eBook, you’ll learn why – and much more! Save time and nerves with our 12 sewing tips for beginners.
Fill in the form and the eBook is already on its way to you! 100% free. 100% expert tips.